1. Sending signed APPLICATION FORM with scan of the passport to:
  2. Receipt by e-mail of the offer letter. The offer letter is free of charge.
  3. Payment of the registration fee. The registration fee is not refundable also if the visa will be refused.
  4. After receiving of registration fee the Institute begins to prepare the declared in the application course.
  5. Issuance of the final documents confirming admission to the course (acceptance letter and proof of payment).
  6. Payment by the Applicant of the course fee within 3 days after visa receiving and before date of arrival to Poland.
  7. The course includes cost of trainer, rooms, learning materials, evaluation of final project (business courses), preparation of the internal WEI certificate.
  8. Start of the course.

Warsaw Economic Institute

Nowy Świat Street 49, room 312

00-042 Warsaw


tel. (+48) 512 645 536