GlobalConnect is an equity market organised by the Warsaw Stock Exchange, where stocks are listed by Introducing Market Makers without the issuer’s consent.
As a result, foreign stocks listed on globally securities exchanges can be traded in Warsaw.
From 4 November, 2022 the GlobalConnect offers:
- a wider range of products listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange and offered mainly to individual investors;
- portfolio diveresification with global blue chips;
- trading international stocks during Warsaw’s trading hours;
- stock prices quoted in PLN;
- trading through traditional investment accounts with any broker offering GlobalConnect;
- market data access on identical terms as other WSE equities markets;
- liquidity supported by Introducing Market Makers;
- benefits from owning securities (including dividends).
The first listed at the new market foreign companies are: Allianz, BMW, MERCEDES BENZ, SIEMENS and VOLKSWAGEN. The planned number of new stocks listed in 2023 on GLOBALCONNECT would be 100 companies.
Source: GlobalConnect GPW